As an indie musician, booking gigs can be a tedious process – characterized by late nights, unreturned calls, and frustration.
The INTERNATIONAL BOOKING AGENTS DIRECTORY simplifies the process by providing you with the knowledge and contacts you need to secure the right booking agent, who will help elevate your music career to new heights.
Get access to over 2,200 listings for agents from 200+ countries across all genres, available for instant download in e-book PDF format.
GET YOURS TODAY!Find gigs all around the globe. Our directory can help you to find gigs in music venues, clubs, festivals, colleges, concert halls, restaurants, weddings, casinos, private parties, corporate events and more!
The INTERNATIONAL BOOKING AGENTS DIRECTORY also features an entire section of agencies that specialize in booking artists on CRUISE SHIPS.
The listings in our directory are organized by GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION. Each listing includes comprehensive contact information, including physical address, phone number, contact name, email address, website, and social media links. Additionally, each listing includes a list of GENRES that the booking agent specializes in and the CITIES, STATES, or COUNTRIES in which they book artists.
View a sample page from this MUST-HAVE directory.
The e-book, written by industry experts, provides valuable insights on all the key aspects of booking gigs, playing live, and touring. It contains valuable insider information that will save you time and reduce stress.
BUY NOWThe INTERNATIONAL BOOKING AGENTS DIRECTORY was created by the good people at the INDIE BIBLE. Having spent THOUSANDS of hours gathering this information we are confident that no matter what genre you fit into we can provide the information that will help you to reach your goals. The INTERNATIONAL BOOKING AGENTS DIRECTORY was created for musicians by musicians!
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The International Booking Agents Directory is an E-BOOK in PDF format. It works on ALL computers, smartphones and personal devices.
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