For over 20 years we have provided independent artists with the tools they need to succeed in an extremely competitive market.
With our new affiliate program you can help independent artists to get their music heard and at the same time generate new income from your website.
We have a beautiful affiliate page waiting for you that features ALL of our directories – The Indie Bible, The Indie Spotify Bible, The Indie YouTube Bible, The International Booking Agents Directory and The Indie Venue Bible. Your page will also feature our Ultimate Indie Bundle package.
You will receive 25% of every sale through your affiliate page. Payments are made through PayPal.
Cookies from your affiliate page will last 30 days. Payments are made within 48 hours of each purchase.
To sign up as an affiliate please fill out the short form below.
Once your application is approved, please login and you will have access to a wide range of graphics to use on your website. If you do not see the sign-up form on this page, please contact us as you may already have an affiliate application pending.
*NEW INCENTIVE PROGRAM* We will send you $20 if you place an affiliate link on your website.
We’ve found over the years that only a fraction of the people that sign up for our affiliate program actually put a link up. We’ve created this new program to provide a financial incentive for affiliates to post their link. Place your affiliate link on your website (preferable a graphic link) and we will send you $20 via PayPal.
1. Place your affiliate link onto your website
2. E-mail your web address to
3. If your link is still up after 60 days, you will receive $20 via PayPal